Our Services
AdenoVirus Testing
Lab test in office to determine if a very contagious form of pink eye virus is present; results in 10 minutes
Maps the contour of the front surface of the eye (cornea) to aid in specialty contact lens fits and to aid in disease detection.
Contact Lens Exam
Determines appropriate fit for soft, hard, and hybrid contact lenses.
Our Legendary Services
Comprehensive Eye Exam for All Ages
Full evaluation of vision and eye health. Includes checking depth perception, color vision, peripheral vision, as well as assessing for "lazy" eye, dry eyes, cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration and all other forms of eye disease.
Surgical Consulting/Co-Management
We co-manage all forms of surgery related to the eye including: refractive surgeries, cataract surgery, LASIK, ICL, KAMRA corneal inlay, eyelid surgeries, corneal surgeries, retinal surgeries, and eye muscle surgeries
Specialty Services
Optomap Retinal Imaging
Takes a 270 degree image of the retina.
Detects macular degeneration up to 3 years before clinical manifestation.
Special laser scan allowing for high definition, high-resolution evaluation of glaucoma, macular degeneration and several other eye diseases

Removal of Foreign Bodies
We often remove metal fragments from grinding/welding or other particles that end up in the eye from an accident.
A specialized device is used to clean excess mattering from the eyelids to aid in the treatment and prevention of dry, red, and irritated eyes (blepharitis).
Visual Field
Threshold peripheral vision test aids in detecting vision loss from stroke, brain tumor, glaucoma, optic nerve disease and high risk medication vision loss like Plaquenil.